Thursday, March 3, 2011

How we forget

And so it turned out that I had completely forgotten about this space as I got caught up in the whirlwind of excitement that marked the end of my service to the nation. Bags packed, we were given our final pep talks and bid our last goodbyes. I took a week off for myself, caught up on some rest and got ready to return to my alma mater to teach. So life's been quite the drill - early morning and I'll be in school wrestling with the kids and marking work till it's time to go. I have been enjoying myself so much that the second week of teaching is just tomorrow. Meeting new people and hearing their predicaments, bumping into old teachers and friends, and most of all being in such a familiar place surely brings back truckloads of great memories. Right now I'm taking everything in my stride and really, really considering my post-university options. Got lots to consider..

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